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Become a member or sponsor

Become an active member (natural persons)

The SGTMeH always welcomes doctors and non-medical health professionals as new members. Do you work in the health sector or telemedicine? Or are you interested in actively shaping the future of telemedicine and e-health? Or are you simply looking for a platform for targeted exchange between different players? Then you have come to the right place.

Annual membership fees



Physicians: 290 CHF


other health

professionals: 120 CHF

Become an active member (company)

Companies are also welcome to become members; you can help decide how telemedicine and e-health will be directed at a national level in the future. You can also benefit from networking with other industry partners and from increased visibility at conferences, events and publicity. Use membership as a figurehead!

Start-up: 350 CHF


SMEs: 880 CHF (up to 40 employees)


Large companies: 2200 CHF

Become a sponsor / patron

SSTMeH is always happy to receive sponsorships, so please feel free to contact us.

GOLD Partner: 3900 CHF


SILVER Partner: 2900 CHF

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